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Philips CD-i: The Games Themselves

Our last edition of the smash hit left us at the beginning of the CD-I, 1991. Philips was faced with the tough task of putting together a c...

Friday, 30 October 2015

Sad News for Philips fans

Unfortunately, Philips today had to lay off

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Philips Healthcare dominates revenue

Figures have just come into the Philips Electronics News headquarters that reflect some unsurprising truths:

Philips plans to sell division to Chinese company successfully foiled by US Authorities

The world breathed a sigh of relief when Chinese company Peking Chinggang were stopped from purchasing Philips' semiconductor business.

Healthy revenues for Philips

Everybody's favourite electronics company, Philips,

Philips Hue Bridge 2.0 Out now!

An exciting development today for the 20 billion dollar company, Philips, today. The giants of lighting have updated their revolutionary hue system with a new bridge unit!

Our New Blog!

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